Your FREE gateway to our editors, content makers, journalists and influencers.

Simply upload your press releases to reach our family of news platforms for free. 
We use AI to get it to the right editors, content makers and journalists. 

Or try ‘Content Friend‘, to make wire-fresh news content for your client’s niche websites or social media.

Our brands

How it works

The Mechanics Behind PR Friend's Efficiency

Create Your Account

Sign up for free and set up your PR Friend account, providing the necessary details to establish your profile.

Upload Your Press Release

Utilise our straightforward interface to upload your press release, include contact information if it’s not already in the document, and attach any relevant images.


Once uploaded, your press release will be seamlessly distributed to our network of news platforms, ensuring it reaches the right audience across our family of publications.

Track and Engage

We send you an email every time you get press.